Hi, i'm Kat!
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Hi my names KAT, I am a simple kiwi girl from New Zealand and I am a bookaholic!!! Wow, that felt good..........

Since I was a little girl I fell deeply in love with reading, and as I've gotten older that has never changed.
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🌺 π‘π„π•πˆπ„π– 🌺 Barbed Wire Hearts by Kendra Moreno



Kate has always been a city girl. The city is all she knows, and she’s fine with that until an ex-boyfriend knocks on her door and destroys all her carefully made plans. Now, she has no choice but to run and get as far away from the city as possible. Head west. Move fast. She doesn’t stop until she finds herself in the mountains of Wyoming.

Answering an ad looking for help on a ranch should have been a silly idea, but Kate’s never been afraid of hard work and she likes animals. Besides, no one should find her out in the middle of nowhere. Steele Mountain Ranch is safe and exactly what she’s looking for, or so she thinks.

Dakota Steele, the namesake of the ranch. Wiley Carter, the horse wrangler. Levi James, the lead cowhand. Each of them is as unpredictable as the Wyoming weather. But not everything is as safe as it seems out in the mountains. Kate may have run from a murder of crows only to find herself in a rattlesnake nest, and everyone knows a rattlesnake bite can be deadly.

The past is coming for Kate. She can’t run forever, but Steele Mountain won’t let her go without a fight. Out here, they don’t call 911.

Come and take her.

**Barbed Wire Hearts is a full-length dark WhyChoose stand-alone novel. Get ready to enter your dark cowboy romance era! Recommended 18+ due to mature language, adult situations, and sensitive content. Check the trigger warnings.**

My Review

🚩 B𝐀R𝐁E𝐃 𝐖I𝐑E H𝐄A𝐑T𝐒 🚩 Is a full length Romance book by newly discovered author Kendra Moreno. Spoken in various POV's.

When I first saw this doing the rounds I was all in, cowboys, RH say no more, then the cover dropped and I was even more intrigued, so then I went and read this authors series 'Prey Island' and from that glimpse into the darkness she's capable of I couldn't wait to dive into this one.

This was exactly what the doctor ordered, not going to lie it did take me a wee bit to get into but once it sunk its hooks into me I didn’t put it down.


Thirty-one year old Kate had to do a runner from 'New Jersey' a place she's lived all her life due to her ex boyfriend with a gambling addiction threw her to the wolves, the 'Crows' to be exact an up and rising new gang taking over the streets, a gang you don't want to be on their radar.

Packing up her meager belongings, and her treasured cat and house plant throwing it all into her purple BMW she took off to lands unknown.

After passing many towns she lands in Wyoming and as luck would have it that same day she lands a job at Steele Mountain Ranch as a ranch hand along with accommodation which is ideal for her and the perfect place to hide away. Being a city girl she's completely out of her element, but that doesn't deter her from trying to befriend all the farm animals and the hot cowboys that run the ranch.

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𝑻𝙝𝒆 π’„π™žπ’π™£π’‚π™’π’π™£ 𝙧𝒐𝙑𝒍 π’—π™šπ’“π™¨π’–π™¨ π™©π’‰π™š π™œπ’“π™ͺπ’Žπ™₯π’š 𝒃𝙖𝒔𝙩𝒂𝙧𝒅.
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Meet the men that run the ranch, Dakota, Levi & Wiley, they may not be related by blood but they have a bond thicker than blood, each hiding dark demons from their pasts, forged together as best friends in shitty situations.

This was unique with some over the top scenes which made for a fun unputdownable read.


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