AUTHOR: Winter Renshaw
GENRE: Romance
PUBLICATION: August 8th, 2017

The name on the screen was “Absinthe.”
I knew her as the sultry voice blowing up my phone for late night chats about Proust and Hemingway interspersed between the best phone sex I never knew I could have.
We’d never met.
Until the day she walked into my office, her cherry lips wrapped around a candy apple sucker and an all too familiar voice that said, “They said you wanted to see me, Principal Hawthorne?”

ABSINTHE: Is a standalone forbidden romance novel by Winter Renshaw. In this we meet Ford Hawthorne in his late twenties and seventeen year old Halston, also spoken in ‘Dual Perspectives’
ab.sin.the (noun)
Highly intoxicating
Dangerously addictive
And formerly forbidden until now!
Some people were born with silver spoons. I was born with a rusted paring knife.
Halston has been under the care of her uncle her permanent residence until she graduates high school which she's behind one year due to have two meth head parents that cared more about chasing their highs to sending their only daughter to school.
Ford Hawthorne is the newly appointed Principal at at Rosefield High, new in town, lonely
These two met in the most unconventional way, two lost souls anonymous behind their computer screens sees them both signing up on a dating website for various reasons under the screen names (Absinthe and Kerouac) and form a most beautiful friendship, neither knows anything about the other, to learn more you have to earn points, 10 points gives you their profile picture, more points there email addy and then you move up to the next level where you can text. Boundaries set that they will never meet.
Imagine his surprise when a student is represented to him for swearing and corrupting the class, as soon as she opens her mouth and speaks he knows standing in front of him is his Absinthe, the woman that got under his skin over the summer holidays. The shock, the scandal it would cause if it ever got out that he'd been chatting to a student would destroy his life, worse too if he even stepped over that line that he swears he will never step. But what if that pull is stronger than either of them?
With his chiseled jaw, dimpled chin, thick, dark hair, and hooded, honey brown eyes. Principles are supposed to be old with grey hair, glasses and dad bods. They're not supposed to look like fucking supermodels.
Lately I've been dipping my toes in all and everything forbidden so I couldn't wait to see what this new author to me threw at me.
I really loved these two characters, what I was hoping for was that feeling of trepidation as they cross the line from teacher/student into a forbidden, taboo territory but sadly it didn't go there as much as I wanted it to. But with that being said I still really really enjoyed this story, the angst, the feels, the love I felt everything this author put into words.
The story flowed effortlessly and once I got into the story I was invested to see how it all panned out. You completely connect with Halston, the girl that had a body and voice of a temptress but the tongue of a serpent, a rough, unloved, unwanted upbringing that made her into one of the most beautiful strongest heroines I've come across.
* Teaser used is off the authors facebook age *