Hi, i'm Kat!
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Hi my names KAT, I am a simple kiwi girl from New Zealand and I am a bookaholic!!! Wow, that felt good..........

Since I was a little girl I fell deeply in love with reading, and as I've gotten older that has never changed.
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🌺 𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐄𝐖 🌺 Darkest Sin: A Dark Mafia Romance by Sheridan Anne ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️



Thrown in a cage and stripped of my dignity, I was auctioned to the highest bidder, but I never imagined that I’d end my night in the home of Killian DeLorenzo—head of the Romanian Mafia and the most powerful man in the country.
To know him is to fear him, and I just became his newest possessio

Pleasing him comes easily, but what I didn’t expect was the effect he would have on my heart.

This world is no place for a girl like me, and navigating it might just kill me quicker than he ever could. I know I should run, but his vile, wicked ways are a temptation no woman could possibly resist. So I must rise to the occasion—prove once and for all that I have what it takes.

Or die trying.
My Review

 Is a full length, dark mafia romance book by author Sheridan Anne. Spoken in 'dual perspectives.'

This was the one book I'd been highly anticipating, eagerly awaiting that notification that it was LIVE to it landing on my ipad, I've only just encountered this author, have read a few and can say she fast became a favourite of mine.

After finishing her shift at the dive bar where she works and walking home towards her apartment she's grabbed and thrown into a car, caged, predators circling her and the others caged just like her, scanning her surroundings she claps eyes on a man hidden in the shadows pure evil radiating off him, but nonetheless she's captivated by him, weither with fear or something else but he becomes her new owner.

Whisked away into a secluded mansion in the mountains, she knows nothing about this Romanian man that's purchased her, he refuses to give anything about himself away.

📚'Y𝐨u a𝐫e m𝐢n𝐞. Y𝐨u b𝐞l𝐨n𝐠 𝐭o m𝐞. T𝐡e𝐫e i𝐬 𝐧o𝐰h𝐞r𝐞 𝐲o𝐮 𝐜a𝐧 𝐫u𝐧 𝐨r h𝐢d𝐞. N𝐨 𝐞s𝐜a𝐩e. 𝐍o f𝐫e𝐞d𝐨m. 𝐍o r𝐞p𝐫i𝐞v𝐞. I𝐟 𝐲o𝐮 𝐟o𝐥l𝐨w m𝐲 𝐫u𝐥e𝐬, y𝐨u w𝐢l𝐥 𝐟i𝐧d l𝐢f𝐞 𝐰i𝐭h m𝐞 𝐪u𝐢t𝐞 𝐬a𝐭i𝐬f𝐚c𝐭o𝐫y, 𝐜o𝐦f𝐨r𝐭a𝐛l𝐞 𝐞v𝐞n. 𝐈f y𝐨u d𝐨 𝐧o𝐭, i𝐟 𝐲o𝐮 𝐫e𝐟u𝐬e m𝐞, y𝐨u w𝐢l𝐥 𝐬p𝐞n𝐝 𝐞v𝐞r𝐲 𝐰a𝐤i𝐧g h𝐨u𝐫 𝐰i𝐬h𝐢n𝐠 𝐟o𝐫 𝐝e𝐚t𝐡.'

Just know that he's not to be messed with.
Some may say he's heartless, but others within his household may differ.

This kept me captivated throughout, and needed, craved, wanted more, because holy crap I loved the shit out of these two characters, they were perfectly matched, fire and ice, together they were perfection.

As soon as I jumped into this I was pulled into the storyline straight away, it started off with a bang and didn’t let me out of its grasp until the end.

It’s dark, gritty and utterly addictive

This author veered away from what I normally expect from her and took a huge risk with this book and she nailed it%!

The only thing I hated about this book was that it had to end, I wanted to stay wrapped up in their world longer, I hope she writes something similar to this in the future! But no matter what she writes, I will read it.65451226-2019570151487824-6157464638251335680-n