Sayshen - Bexley fucking Larson. The most popular girl from Highschool and the only one who always called me out for my fuck boy tendencies. But there’s no sign of that girl in her now. Now, she’s but a fragment of that strong-willed and feisty girl I’ve dreamt about since Junior year. And now that I finally have her, I don’t care what it takes or what I have to sacrifice to get her fire back. Even if it means losing the race.
Talon - Train, race, win. That’s what we were born to do. It’s all that matters. At least, it was. Until her. Bexley came back like a ghost from the past, completely consuming my brother’s every thought. Only this time, it isn’t only him her presence affects. With the finish line nearing, I’m torn. Do I rip through the havoc she brings full throttle? Or do I hit the brakes, ensuring The Demons take the podium?
My Review

📚 '𝐎u𝐫 𝐫e𝐥a𝐭i𝐨n𝐬h𝐢p i𝐬 𝐟a𝐫 𝐟r𝐨m c𝐨n𝐯e𝐧t𝐢o𝐧a𝐥. I𝐭'𝐬 𝐝i𝐟f𝐞r𝐞n𝐭, a𝐧d y𝐞t, 𝐈 𝐰o𝐮l𝐝n't c𝐡a𝐧g𝐞 𝐚 𝐭h𝐢n𝐠 𝐚b𝐨u𝐭 𝐢t. 𝐖e'r𝐞 𝐚 𝐟a𝐦i𝐥y.'
I've never read a racing bike romance before so here's giving something new a try, new to me author too, so here goes...
I jumped into this last night as soon as I'd #oneclicked it off Amazon, and I couldn’t put it down, this was inhaled in one sitting, well more like lying down since I started it in bed that night, and kind of read until I'd finished it, straight away it got its hooks into me, I’ve never read anything like it, loved the family of racers, loved the storyline, loved the guys and their girl.
Here’s a little of what to expect:
🖤Enemies 2 Lovers
🖤Touch Her & D!e
🖤Grumpy Alphahole MMC
🖤Orgasm Control
🖤Sensation Play
🔥Two Brothers
🖤Bike Smut
At Palm Springs High Bexley is the girl all guys want and all girls want to be, but no one is more obsessed with her than eighteen year old Sayshen, and like a broken record she's repeatedly shut down his advances which isn't that surprising with him being the biggest f#ck boy at school. It's a known fact that he's been obsessing over her since his junior year of school. She's got another year left of school before she's let out into the big wide world, and he's off to race, which is another obsession of his.
Four years later.
She's with a guy named Christian, she has been for years, things were great between them in the beginning until he became a controlling fist happy guy.
And now Sayshen is back in town for the opening weekend at the track with his team to race. Consequently they bump into each other whilst waiting for their coffee orders and he notices straight away the bruises she's failed to hide.
And this is where it starts getting wild, Bexley's man Christian rides with the 'Vicious Vipers' the only team that poses to take first place away from the brothers team the 'Demons.' There's always been a competitive rivalry amongst the two teams. But now throw Bexley into the mix things and are going to get deadly.
You'll also get to meet the team, Reign & Cruz which are Sayshen's best friends. And Thorne has just recently been recruited into the team.
After Talon saves Bexley from an altercation between her and Christian it clicks why his brother for most of his life has been so obsessed with her, he can't get over how gorgeous she is. Making her pack up her things he takes her to Sayshen, but like the family they are they all rally around and protect her. The only place they can think to take her where she won't be found is the beach house both brothers purchased and share.
📚 '𝐈n H𝐢g𝐡s𝐜h𝐨o𝐥 𝐒a𝐲s𝐡e𝐧 𝐰a𝐬 𝐨b𝐬e𝐬s𝐞d w𝐢t𝐡 𝐡e𝐫.
𝐒i𝐜k𝐥y o𝐛s𝐞s𝐬e𝐝
S𝐡e w𝐚s h𝐢s d𝐫u𝐠 𝐨f c𝐡o𝐢c𝐞,
a𝐧d i𝐭 𝐡a𝐬 𝐭a𝐤e𝐧 𝐲e𝐚r𝐬 𝐨f r𝐞h𝐚b a𝐰a𝐲 𝐟r𝐨m h𝐢g𝐡s𝐜h𝐨o𝐥
𝐚n𝐝 𝐡e𝐫 𝐭o g𝐞t h𝐢m s𝐨b𝐞r, 𝐚n𝐝 𝐟o𝐜u𝐬e𝐝 𝐛a𝐜k o𝐧 𝐫a𝐜i𝐧g.'
It's whilst she's healing at their house that things start to heat up between Sayshen & Bexley, there's also an underlying sexual tension between Bexley and talon which isn't explored until a wee bit further into the book which scorches the pages, but when they share her holy hotness it became an inferno.
I can’t wait for the next book!