Hi, i'm Kat!
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Hi my names KAT, I am a simple kiwi girl from New Zealand and I am a bookaholic!!! Wow, that felt good..........

Since I was a little girl I fell deeply in love with reading, and as I've gotten older that has never changed.
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🌺 𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐄𝐖 🌺 Graves by Katelyn Taylor ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I thought I had everything I could possibly desire. Until I set my eyes on her. My angel. Too pure for this world, too pure for me. She’s all mine. No matter the cost. No matter the lives that stand in my way. She has always been mine. She just doesn’t know it yet.

My brother has lost it, more so than ever before. I couldn’t figure out what had changed at first. One look at her though, and it all made sense. He gave me one job, protect his girl, a girl he’s never even spoken to. I held true to my promise and then some. I didn’t mean to kiss her, to touch her. One thing is for sure, though. I’m not losing her, even if I have to go through my brother to have her.

My Review

'𝐆R𝐀V𝐄S' Is a full length dark romance book by new to me author Katelyn Taylor. Spoken in third person. Brothers 'Zayden' & 'Dominic' and the girl 'Blake' they claimed

First the cover
Then the blurb
Then Amazon and #oneclicking

This has been a new record for me, finding and reading new authors, jumping into this one tonight!!
And another one that hit the right spot, a little bit dark, a little bit gritty, bad versus good, but together these brothers were perfect.

And of course I had to go and like the psychotic brother over the other..🤷‍♀️ He just had more of a dare devil charm about him, a walking talking red flag, of course in life I'd run the other way but in books I kind of gravitate towards them, the more unhinged, the better, the killing part is just another side to him lol And Zayden well he was more messed up than I was expecting..

📚 'Z𝐚y𝐝e𝐧 𝐡a𝐬 𝐚l𝐰a𝐲s b𝐞e𝐧 𝐭h𝐢s w𝐚y.
𝐇e l𝐢k𝐞s s𝐨m𝐞t𝐡i𝐧g, 𝐡e f𝐢x𝐚t𝐞s,
𝐚n𝐝 𝐭h𝐞n t𝐡a𝐭 𝐟i𝐱a𝐭i𝐨n t𝐮r𝐧s i𝐧t𝐨 𝐚n o𝐛s𝐞s𝐬i𝐨n.
𝐅i𝐫s𝐭 𝐢t w𝐚s k𝐧i𝐯e𝐬, t𝐡e𝐧 𝐢t w𝐚s b𝐥o𝐨d𝐬h𝐞d,
𝐚n𝐝 𝐧o𝐰 𝐢t's...h𝐞r.'

I went into this one blind, didn't really know what I was getting myself into with this one, but god this surprised me with how easily it pulled me under, I really enjoyed this one and will definitely have to read more by this author.

After what could possibly have been Zayden's death after a job came to close for comfort he swears that night he sees an angel walking away from him, it took him three months to track her down and then it was pretty much game over, he was a goner for her, obsessed taken to a whole new level, from tracking *coughs* stalking her from her workplace back to her apartment over and over again. She's oblivious to the whole thing, which is probably a good thing because on one such night he saved her and got himself a one way ticket to prison.

This is where his brother Dominic comes into the picture because whilst he's incarcerated he asks him to keep an eye on her and protect her not expecting that his brother too would fall under the obsessive spell.

Twenty eight year old Blake broke up from her boyfriend six months ago moved to Seattle with the help from her best friend Gabby and her husband and is slowly getting back on her feet, she works at a bar and lives alone.

Dominic took his brothers advice and started keeping an eye on Blake, but instead of hiding in the shadows and stalking from afar Dominic actually went into the bar each night, ordered one drink and then left seeing that she made it safely back home. Of course things between them progressed at a warped speed, a few conversations, a few sleepovers, a date then whiplash she's moved in with him.

Annnnd what do you know Zayden called in a favour from the one man he should never have rung and he's released from prison doing the odd jobs he's sent out on as part payment and fighting his brother over the girl they are both head over heels in love with. Whiplash as they hashed it out. But of course no decisions were made and they just ended up sharing. Kinky as f#ck with no complaints to be had by Blake...
