Hi, i'm Kat!
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Hi my names KAT, I am a simple kiwi girl from New Zealand and I am a bookaholic!!! Wow, that felt good..........

Since I was a little girl I fell deeply in love with reading, and as I've gotten older that has never changed.
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🌺 𝐑𝐄𝐕𝐈𝐄𝐖 🌺 Falling With Grace by Ann-Marie Davis ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Freedom was within my reach, but I should have known—the light at the end of the tunnel was only an oncoming train.

For three agonizing years, I endured captivity, torture, and exploitation. Until one desperate night, I escaped.

But safety was an illusion; crime's dark underbelly has no boundaries.

Now, Mexico’s most ruthless cartel boss holds me captive, demanding I reveal my deepest secret.

If I do, there’s no turning back—my hands will be stained red forever, and forgiveness will remain a distant dream.

My Review

 Is a dark romance book by new to me author Anne-Marie Davis. Spoken in dual perspectives. Grace & Elias

Not sure how I even stumbled across this one, but dark captive was glaring at me so of course I’m going to read it!

📚 'I w𝐚n𝐭 𝐭o e𝐫a𝐬e y𝐨u𝐫 𝐧i𝐠h𝐭m𝐚r𝐞s
u𝐧t𝐢l t𝐡e o𝐧l𝐲 𝐭h𝐢n𝐠 𝐲o𝐮 𝐬e𝐞 𝐢n t𝐡e𝐦 𝐢s m𝐞.'

💣 Touch her and die
💣 Captive
💣 Forced proximity
💣 Heroine in danger
💣 Mafia Romance

Grace’s story starts off when a group of them have escaped their compound of captivity where she was held for three gruelling years, her captors favorite pet, running through a rough terrain with barely the clothes on their backs and barefoot. I could feel the fear pouring off the pages as I held my breath hoping they would escape. But that's not how this story unwinds. She's thrust like a ping pong ball from one bad man into another's and that's where Elias comes into the story.

He can't believe his luck when she lands on his doorstep, vengeance runs rampant through his veins as he's been seeking the very man for years who had held Grace captive, now he just has to make her talk.

Before diving into this it's wise to check the trigger warnings, some parts are off the page and not gone into detail but you still get the gist of what's happened and others aren't glossed over.

For me to make it that much darker I would've prefered to have read the full experience of what she'd endured in full graphic detail keeping in line with the subject matter, but that's just my preference which my dark little heart can handle.

But overall this pulled me in as soon as I started it, rooting for Grace to find a safe haven. I read it front to back in a day and obviously couldn't put it down.
