Love Me in the Dark by Mia Asher
TITLE: Love Me in the Dark
AUTHOR: Mia Asher
GENRE: Contemporary Romance
RELEASE DATE: May 10th, 2017

Two strangers in Paris ...
One passionate, earth-shattering kiss.
He was the artist upstairs
with the tantalizing smile and laughing eyes.
He was the devil inviting me to sin,
seducing me to dance in the bright moonlight.
He was desire and need.
When he touched me, my body sang.
My soul came alive.
But I belonged to another man,
and he didn't want to let me go.
One passionate, earth-shattering kiss.
He was the artist upstairs
with the tantalizing smile and laughing eyes.
He was the devil inviting me to sin,
seducing me to dance in the bright moonlight.
He was desire and need.
When he touched me, my body sang.
My soul came alive.
But I belonged to another man,
and he didn't want to let me go.

Buddy read this with the gobbler Sonya-❥Chatterbooks book blog ❥
LOVE ME IN THE DARK: by Mia Asher is new standalone contemporary romance novel
The ‘Prologue’ shoves us in the past ‘Ten years ago’ when Sabastien was facing happier times, ready to start a family, propose to the woman he loved with all his heart, to the next instant he’s shrouded in the darkest of dark days to come.
Valentina often reminisces about how her life used to be, she married William Alexander Fitzpatrick IV, a man she thought would be totally out of her league but he was relentless in his pursuit. A whirlwind wedding fit for a fairy tale story, whom she married on her twenty second birthday..They loved fierce, they loved freely.
That was then this is now.
On their 12th year wedding anniversary William hands her a key, a key to an apartment in Paris, a second chance at happiness, a chance to forgive and forget the past mistakes her husband had made.
A phone call to say he has cancelled their trip due to work commitments has him staying behind and her alone in the most romantic city of the world.
A time to reflect, a time to soul search, a time to heal, a time to find herself again
Her first night in Paris has her stepping into a private function art gallery, a heated hot kiss by a stranger leaves her weak in the knees. Knowing that she will never see him again.
But no matter where she she went in Paris it always led to him, places she never expected to see him.
That one kiss sent them on a destruction into forbidden territory,
Will she fall from grace? You can feel temptation calling, it’s simmering away in the background, it’s edging closer the further you go into the book.

I was really enjoying this and was even going to throw 4 stars at it, but then nearing the end it kind of went a wee bit down hill for me, and I'm probably going to get witch hunted for this review, this rating, but this is how I feel.
When a book deals with infidelity on all levels your expectations are high, you expect those feels to come at you full speed, the hurt, the angst, the betrayal, the tears, none of those feels came anywhere near me which kind of left me feeling a wee bit deflated.
Maybe my expectations were too high? All in all the first part of the book I loved, the second part became cheesy which my buddy reader mentioned and which I wholeheartedly agree with, it became hard to read, I shuddered, I cringed, part of me didn't even want to carry on but I made myself just to say that I finished it.

LOVE ME IN THE DARK: by Mia Asher is new standalone contemporary romance novel
The ‘Prologue’ shoves us in the past ‘Ten years ago’ when Sabastien was facing happier times, ready to start a family, propose to the woman he loved with all his heart, to the next instant he’s shrouded in the darkest of dark days to come.
Valentina often reminisces about how her life used to be, she married William Alexander Fitzpatrick IV, a man she thought would be totally out of her league but he was relentless in his pursuit. A whirlwind wedding fit for a fairy tale story, whom she married on her twenty second birthday..They loved fierce, they loved freely.
That was then this is now.
On their 12th year wedding anniversary William hands her a key, a key to an apartment in Paris, a second chance at happiness, a chance to forgive and forget the past mistakes her husband had made.
A phone call to say he has cancelled their trip due to work commitments has him staying behind and her alone in the most romantic city of the world.
A time to reflect, a time to soul search, a time to heal, a time to find herself again
Her first night in Paris has her stepping into a private function art gallery, a heated hot kiss by a stranger leaves her weak in the knees. Knowing that she will never see him again.
But no matter where she she went in Paris it always led to him, places she never expected to see him.
That one kiss sent them on a destruction into forbidden territory,
Will she fall from grace? You can feel temptation calling, it’s simmering away in the background, it’s edging closer the further you go into the book.

I was really enjoying this and was even going to throw 4 stars at it, but then nearing the end it kind of went a wee bit down hill for me, and I'm probably going to get witch hunted for this review, this rating, but this is how I feel.
When a book deals with infidelity on all levels your expectations are high, you expect those feels to come at you full speed, the hurt, the angst, the betrayal, the tears, none of those feels came anywhere near me which kind of left me feeling a wee bit deflated.
Maybe my expectations were too high? All in all the first part of the book I loved, the second part became cheesy which my buddy reader mentioned and which I wholeheartedly agree with, it became hard to read, I shuddered, I cringed, part of me didn't even want to carry on but I made myself just to say that I finished it.