TITLE: Survival of the Richest
AUTHOR: Skye Warren
GENRE: Romance
PUBLICATION: June 12th, 2018

Is a Full length, romance novel by 'Skye Warren'
As the story goes it all started with a fall..We meet the poor little rich girl Harper at fifteen years meeting yet another one of her fathers wives, and her short term gorgeous step brother Christoper on board her fathers boat.
He looks like some kind of conquering warrior, like a knight from the old medieval days. The kind who would have defended the peasants but who would also have demanded his due.
One reckless incident and her falling overboard has Christopher jumping into the cold waters to save her. But no one knew about that, that was their little secret.
That one week spent at sea forged a bond between them. No one knew that they corresponded via letters either. At eighteen things change in the blink of an eye when her father passes away.
Harper is now aged twenty-four. Four years have passed since Harper’s father died, and made Christopher the executor of her vast trust fund. Her mother is now in remission from cancer and Harper needs some of her money to help her mother acquire a new medicine that's under trial, that's where she needs Christopher to come on her side and sign some funds over which he declines.
Which has Harper storming into Christophers office but instead of encountering him she's face to face instead with his business partner 'Sutton'
Both men want her..But which one is worthy of her?
0800therapy!! God this book put me through the wringer, the highs and lows, the ups and downs, the emotional pull, the love of two men, my heart and mind were at war, this was one of my most highly anticipated books, when I opened and read that very first page and closing the last page my country could’ve been over taken by aliens and I would’ve been none the wiser, it’s very rare to be so lost within the pages that nothing else matters, and that’s what I love the most about this author, is her effortless ability to transport me away from every day life. Nailed it!!

A Park Avenue princess...
My story starts with a plunge into the cold water of Manhattan's harbor. A strong hand hauls me back onto the deck of the luxury yacht. Christopher was supposed to be my enemy, the son of my mother's latest husband. Instead he protects me with fierce determination when I need him most.
This tale begins with a fall, but it doesn't end there.
Because another man wants me.
Sutton wants to consume me with a passion more feral than kind. In the lush emotional wilderness I'm not sure I want Christopher to save me this time...
Or if there will be anything left if he tries.
SURVIVAL OF THE RICHEST is a book about finding your soul's desire, even if the search leads you places you never expect.
A woman torn between two men. An impossible choice. And a war fought on the most dangerous battlefield--the heart.
A woman torn between two men. An impossible choice. And a war fought on the most dangerous battlefield--the heart.