TITLE: The Church
SERIES: (The Cloister #3)
AUTHOR: Celia Aaron
PUBLICATION: June 04th, 2018

I saw a movie once where a mummy would suck the souls of the people he killed until they dried up and blew away. The Prophet reminds me of that, the way he hungrily surveys the woman before him, as if he wants to steal every bit of youth and heart and soul from each of us.
‘THE CHURCH’ is the conclusion in C. Aaron's ‘The Cloister’ trilogy. It picks up where the second book left off.
Adam is right where the previous book left off, out in the elements, left to die, blood oozing from his many wounds, his only hope is that he can bargain with the devil in hopes of keeping Delilah safe. Things are slowly changing on the compound but will it be happen fast enough to save him from the clutches of his father, a man unhinged, a man to fear. Things are escalating.
Violence and terror go hand in hand..
Once upon a time, I had a sister.. As we’ve seen in the previous books Delilah has been out for vengeance since day one for the death of her sister, but now she’s after blood, still seeking answers wherever she can find them, whoever is brave enough to speak out.
As a whole this series sucked me in, it put me on a collision course of pure angst, a unique read,
un-put-downable as a whole, I devoured these books, the suspense was of nail biting proportions, a series I won't forget in a hurry. This series ticked all my boxes, everything I expect in a dark trilogy was answered, definitely a series I recommend..

Adam destroyed himself to save me. At first, I doubt if I have the strength to go on. But with every second that passes, I seethe and curse the Prophet. My time as a Maiden is over. I refuse to be a toy in his game any longer. But there’s always more ways for the Prophet to get to me, to use me, and to keep me under his influence. Will I be strong enough to break free?
Adam destroyed himself to save me. At first, I doubt if I have the strength to go on. But with every second that passes, I seethe and curse the Prophet. My time as a Maiden is over. I refuse to be a toy in his game any longer. But there’s always more ways for the Prophet to get to me, to use me, and to keep me under his influence. Will I be strong enough to break free?

Celia Aaron is a recovering attorney who loves romance and erotic fiction. Dark to light, angsty to funny, real to fantasy—if it’s hot and strikes her fancy, she writes it. Thanks for reading.
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