Hi, i'm Kat!
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Hi my names KAT, I am a simple kiwi girl from New Zealand and I am a bookaholic!!! Wow, that felt good..........

Since I was a little girl I fell deeply in love with reading, and as I've gotten older that has never changed.
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I have loved Channing Monroe all my life. 

In first grade, he asked for my Trapper Keeper. 
I hit him in the head with it. 
Third grade, we were best friends. We kissed in seventh grade. 
Eighth grade, he turned into a bad boy and the rest was a tumultuous storm. 

Growing up, the problem was never love for us. 
Bad times. Good times. There were times when I felt our love in every inch of my body, vibrating, making me feel like it could bring me back to life. 

The problem was us. 

The problem is that we’re living in two different worlds now. 
Fallen Crest and its millionaires for me. Roussou and their criminals for him. I was thriving in mine and he was running his. 


But there were nights I felt we couldn’t be further apart than we were, and there were nights I felt we shared the same heartbeat. 

When was it time? 
When was it time to either sacrifice, make a change, or walk away from the boy I grew up with?
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This is Channing and Heather's story. 

When Heather says she has loved Channing all her life, she literally means just that, these two go way back to a time when they didn’t know how important of a role the other would play in their life.

He'd worked his way under my skin in the first grade. He'd declared us best friends in third. we'd held hands in fifth. We shared our first kiss in seventh, and he'd been a headache ever since. 

Though they do have a toxic, whiplash relationship always beating away in the background the one constant is their love for the other, where one ends the other begins, they were destined to be together, undeniable soul mates which started over a Trapper Keeper which we see in the 'Flash backs' the author has added. 

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Their road is not clean sailing, it's full of many ups and downs that break them many times with undivided loyalties, he has his own crew which he's leader of and is tangled up in some underhanded dealings, then with stepping up and taking care of his sister these two things seem to be his main priority which leaves Heather last, she knows how it is but it does drive a wedge between them which is the main cause for their on and off again status. 

One would walk, the other would them them, they would go their separate ways, but then missing the other would sink in and they would find themselves back together again, not resolving their issues, and this was their pattern. 

I protect my town. I protect my crew. I try to protect my sister, and I am putting them all above you, and I am a complete asshole because of that. 

This was one of my most highly anticipated books of October so to say I was super excited to start it was an understatement, and Tijan did not disappoint, this was like a double loaded shotgun, everything came in double the dose to 'Crew' more drama, more angst, more heartbreak, more feels, more of everything, the author did not hold back!! Just a shame the cover was so hideous to look at!! 🤪