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Hi my names KAT, I am a simple kiwi girl from New Zealand and I am a bookaholic!!! Wow, that felt good..........

Since I was a little girl I fell deeply in love with reading, and as I've gotten older that has never changed.
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TITLE: All My Life
AUTHOR: Prescott Lane
GENRE: Contemporary Romance
PUBLICATION: October 10th, 2018
The beginning of any love story starts with the meet.

I’ve known Garrett Hollis since before I can remember, and I’ve loved him just as long. I loved him while he loved someone else. I loved him when he had a baby with her. I loved him when she left him.

The greatest of love stories is that between a dad and his daughter. I should know. I’ve had a front row seat. First steps, first words, all the big moments. 

Garrett was just a teenager when Mia was born. I’ve watched him braid his daughter’s hair, hold her hand crossing the street, seen her asleep on his chest. I’m the best friend, the one they can count on for everything from dance lessons to motherly advice, anything they need. I’m their go-to girl.

The best part of any love story is the happily ever after.

But what if the happily ever after doesn’t include you?

All my life, that’s how long I’ve loved him.

Of course, he’s clueless.
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ALL MY LIFE: ➽ Is a full length contemporary romance novel by Author Prescott Lane. Spoken in ‘Dual Perspectives’ Flits from past to present. 

A teen pregnancy left the Eden Valley a small town in chaos,the town's golden boy was a poster child on what not to do Garrett was treated as though he had the plaque, parents forbidding their children to associate with him as if he was contagious, Mia's mother Sheena walking out on them straight after giving birth, leaving him alone to raise a child. Going back to the life she had before arriving at Eden Valley for the summer. 

When Sheena got pregnant, I had to grow up fast. I went from sixteen to like forty in an instant. Suddenly, I had to worry about taking care of someone else when I didn't even know how to take care of myself. School, work, bills, insurance-I became an adult before I could vote. 

Going into this and the image on the cover I thought we’d be seeing his daughter as a toddler but that’s not the case, Garrett’s little girl Mia is all grown up, at seventeen she's ready to face the world with a diploma in hand and worry lines etched onto her face with having the thought of having to leave her father alone by himself with an empty nest so her graduation speech as she’s handed over her diploma showcased just that. 

Never expecting that speech to go viral
Never expecting women to just turn up out of the blue wanting to lay claim to her dad. 

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There were things I loved about this book and parts that frustrated me, let’s start off with Devlyn first, (my first frustration) god how I wanted to jump in the book and shake some sense into her, she’d loved Derrick most of her life, an unrequited love, she put his and his daughters needs before her own, always on the sideline looking within the father, daughter duo, never realising that they were taking her for granted. But as long as she was in their orbit she was happy. 

Now onto Garrett, (frustration number two) I know men are clueless when it comes to matters of the heart but this guy took it to the next level. She's always been here. How did I not see it? His focus was on Mia and making sure all her needs were met, tunnel vision, nothing outside of their inner circle existed, but then it was like he’d woken from a coma and she was all her saw, a situation where he thought he was going to lose her finally made him see what exactly was right in front of his eyes all this time. 

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When they take a leap of faith stepping out of the friends zone I'd been his friend his whole life. Our parents were friends, we'd grown up together and into more is where all the feels came into the story. And then we have the end, all wrapped up in a perfect pretty bow exactly how it should’ve ended.

Sexy moments, swoony moments, melty moments, stabby moments, angsty moments, if you're looking for a friends to lovers romance book look no further than this one. Well written, likeable characters, easy to get into. 

* Teasers used are off the authors facebook page * 
Prescott Lane is the Amazon bestselling author of Stripped Raw. Some of her other works include: Perfectly Broken, The Sex Bucket List, and Layers of Her. She is originally from Little Rock, Arkansas, and graduated from Centenary College with a degree in sociology. She went on to receive her MSW from Tulane University, after which she worked with developmentally delayed and disabled children. She married her college sweetheart, and they currently live in New Orleans with their two children and two crazy dogs. Prescott started writing at the age of five, and sold her first story about a talking turtle to her father for a quarter. She later turned to writing romance novels because there aren't enough happily ever afters in real life. 
Connect with Prescott Lane on facebook.com/PrescottLane1 and www.twitter.com/prescottlane1.