Pretty New Doll (Pretty Little Dolls #3) by Ker Dukey & K. Webster
SERIES: (Pretty Little Dolls #3)
AUTHORS: Ker Dukey & K. Webster
PUBLICATION: July 17th, 2017

Benny, broken, hurting, and alone
Lost his dolly, his love, his home.
Injured and searching, reborn anew,
He finds himself befriended by one who’s true.
Learning about the world, urges, and lust.
Finding a new future, a new dolly, is a must.
Then out of old pain, fresh prospects come to life,
Benny’s sick mind summons him, so his hand takes the knife.
Have you ever been so lost that you became a shadow? Lurking but not living. Existing in the background where no one notices you.
My doll betrayed me, killed me in more ways than she realized.
I'm watching, waiting, wanting.
One day soon she’ll give me back what she took away…
it’s funny how life works that way.

“To fully enjoy this title, you need to have read Pretty Stolen Dolls followed by Pretty Lost Dolls, and be fucked up enough to want more.”

‘PRETTY NEW DOLL’: is the third book in K. Webster's ‘Pretty Little Dolls’ series. It picks up where the second book left off. Heat builds under my foot as orange flames ignite, bordering the entire house. I’m surrounded by fire, destroying everything I built.
This review will not contain any spoilers because if any are divulged the wrath of Benny will be coming at me, and he’s one fucked up mother fucker that I do not care to meet.
She doesn’t know he escaped that day, she thinks he perished in the flames, never to be seen again. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes HES BACK.. He died, and all bad things were supposed to die with him.
Abiding his time.. waiting..

‘PRETTY NEW DOLL’: is the third book in K. Webster's ‘Pretty Little Dolls’ series. It picks up where the second book left off. Heat builds under my foot as orange flames ignite, bordering the entire house. I’m surrounded by fire, destroying everything I built.
This review will not contain any spoilers because if any are divulged the wrath of Benny will be coming at me, and he’s one fucked up mother fucker that I do not care to meet.
She doesn’t know he escaped that day, she thinks he perished in the flames, never to be seen again. Like a phoenix rising from the ashes HES BACK.. He died, and all bad things were supposed to die with him.
Abiding his time.. waiting..
➽ Situated yards from my old home - our old home - I linger, waiting, knowing, wanting
But what happens when he sees a shiny new doll, a pretty new doll that by far exceeds all his other dolls?

Think you know the Benny of old think again!! This Benny is even more sicker, more calculated, more deceiving, draws more blood, he embraces his sickness within and kills kills kills.
Benny is DEAD, Benjamin has RISEN in his place
➽ She's such a perfect doll. Her outfit. Her face. Her fucking everything. I want to rip her red hair from her skull-it's the only thing not right on her, but all that can be changed.
Holy fucking shit!! This was insane!! Sick, dark, gritty, my precious that belongs on my fav shelf, fucking loved this book, exceeded the previous two books. A rollercoaster of sickness!! These two authors kick ass when it comes to opening up pandora's box, no matter how hard you try you're going to be pulled down the rabbit hole of all rabbit holes, these two embrace the darkness and take you with them, their is no escaping their sickness it engulfs you page by page. I was glued to my ipad, page after page racing to the finish to see what they were going to throw my way when I'm pushed down one mother fucker of a cliff hanger!!
➽ You're like a brand-new porcelain doll, never been taken from her packaging.
But what happens when he sees a shiny new doll, a pretty new doll that by far exceeds all his other dolls?

Think you know the Benny of old think again!! This Benny is even more sicker, more calculated, more deceiving, draws more blood, he embraces his sickness within and kills kills kills.
Benny is DEAD, Benjamin has RISEN in his place
➽ She's such a perfect doll. Her outfit. Her face. Her fucking everything. I want to rip her red hair from her skull-it's the only thing not right on her, but all that can be changed.
Holy fucking shit!! This was insane!! Sick, dark, gritty, my precious that belongs on my fav shelf, fucking loved this book, exceeded the previous two books. A rollercoaster of sickness!! These two authors kick ass when it comes to opening up pandora's box, no matter how hard you try you're going to be pulled down the rabbit hole of all rabbit holes, these two embrace the darkness and take you with them, their is no escaping their sickness it engulfs you page by page. I was glued to my ipad, page after page racing to the finish to see what they were going to throw my way when I'm pushed down one mother fucker of a cliff hanger!!
➽ You're like a brand-new porcelain doll, never been taken from her packaging.