♕ SAVAGE (The Kingwood Duet #1) by S.L. Scott) ♕
SERIES: (The Kingwood Duet #1)
AUTHOR: S.L. Scott
GENRE: Contemporary Romance
PUBLICATION: July 10th, 2017

From New York Times Bestselling Author, S.L. SCOTT, comes this new and utterly captivating series, The Kingwood Duet. With memorable characters and an unforgettable story, you will want to be a part of this new series launch.
She was my destiny.
I was her downfall.
We were a match made in hell.
But when we were together, that hell was pure heaven.
She was my destiny.
I was her downfall.
We were a match made in hell.
But when we were together, that hell was pure heaven.

Free in Kindle Unlimited

S.L. Scott is a former high-tech account manager with a journalism degree pursuing her passion for telling stories. She spends her days escaping into her characters and letting them lead her on their adventures.
Live music shows, harvesting jalapenos and eating homemade guacamole are her obsessions she calls hobbies.
Scott lives in the beautiful Texas hill country of Austin with her husband, two young sons, two Papillons and a bowl full of Sea Monkeys.
Her novels include Naturally, Charlie, Good Vibrations, and A Prior Engagement.

Live music shows, harvesting jalapenos and eating homemade guacamole are her obsessions she calls hobbies.
Scott lives in the beautiful Texas hill country of Austin with her husband, two young sons, two Papillons and a bowl full of Sea Monkeys.
Her novels include Naturally, Charlie, Good Vibrations, and A Prior Engagement.

Website: http://www.slscottauthor.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/s.l.scott/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/slscottpage
Amazon: http://amzn.to/2h6G0eI
Huffington Post Contributor Page: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/sl-scott/
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SAVAGE: is the first book within the (The Kingwood Duet) series, by S.L. Scott a modern day gritty fairy tale, where the rich and the damned collide. In this we meet Alexander Kingwood and Sara Jane Grayson two star crossed lovers, spoken in 'Dual Perspectives.'

As soon as I jumped onto the ‘Prologue’ I was hooked, it has the setting for the perfect emotional read.
Three years ago on the day of Alexander’s mothers funeral he meets Sara Jane Grayson just one week shy of her eighteenth birthday. As his gaze collides with hers on that wet day across a busy intersection he knew then that she was some day going to be his.
➼ She was sunshine on a rainy day, a rainbow against grey clouds, hope in a Catholic school uniform.
That was also the day that happened to be his mother's funeral, that was the day he also he vowed he would seek revenge on the person who killed her, all over a necklace and a wedding ring, she tried to fight off her attackers going by what the papers said which resulted to her being shot in cold blood. Alexander always knew there was something more to this story and he wasn't going to stop until he uncovered everything he needed to put her soul to rest.
Three years later these two are unbreakable in their love for each other, he was the first boy that took her everything, but it's the man that steals her heart.

Now Alexander’s legacy Kingwood Enterprises is under jeopardy, the company he thought would one day be his is being sold out from under him by a father who rules the roost with an iron fist. A cold man who changed the night his wife was murdered.
➼ My mother was his reason for living. Her death destroyed him. He was always cold, but her death turned him to ice.
So many secrets shroud Alexander, where does he disappear to at nights when Sara Jane wakes up and his side of the bed is empty?
➼ He’s a bad boy in the flesh, a devil in disguise of a fractures soul that’s almost too handsome to look at.
Now it's a fight against time to protect Sara Jane as the house of cards start tumbling down, because every King needs his Queen.

As soon as I jumped onto the ‘Prologue’ I was hooked, it has the setting for the perfect emotional read.
Three years ago on the day of Alexander’s mothers funeral he meets Sara Jane Grayson just one week shy of her eighteenth birthday. As his gaze collides with hers on that wet day across a busy intersection he knew then that she was some day going to be his.
➼ She was sunshine on a rainy day, a rainbow against grey clouds, hope in a Catholic school uniform.
That was also the day that happened to be his mother's funeral, that was the day he also he vowed he would seek revenge on the person who killed her, all over a necklace and a wedding ring, she tried to fight off her attackers going by what the papers said which resulted to her being shot in cold blood. Alexander always knew there was something more to this story and he wasn't going to stop until he uncovered everything he needed to put her soul to rest.
Three years later these two are unbreakable in their love for each other, he was the first boy that took her everything, but it's the man that steals her heart.

Now Alexander’s legacy Kingwood Enterprises is under jeopardy, the company he thought would one day be his is being sold out from under him by a father who rules the roost with an iron fist. A cold man who changed the night his wife was murdered.
➼ My mother was his reason for living. Her death destroyed him. He was always cold, but her death turned him to ice.
So many secrets shroud Alexander, where does he disappear to at nights when Sara Jane wakes up and his side of the bed is empty?
➼ He’s a bad boy in the flesh, a devil in disguise of a fractures soul that’s almost too handsome to look at.
Now it's a fight against time to protect Sara Jane as the house of cards start tumbling down, because every King needs his Queen.
The ‘Synopsis’ doesn’t give anything away about this book so your kind of going in blind which is a good thing.
The Author had me at the ‘Prologue’ then as I progressed further into the book I couldn’t put it down, chapter after chapter life was put on hold, the author had me eating out of the palm of her hand as she fed me words that had me hooked. This book had the perfect blend of suspense, mystery and romance. It does finish on a cliffy, a big cliffy at that but the next book within this series is set to hit us in August.
This may have been my first read by this author but it definitely won't be the last, I can not wait to read the next book in this series.