Hi, i'm Kat!
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Hi my names KAT, I am a simple kiwi girl from New Zealand and I am a bookaholic!!! Wow, that felt good..........

Since I was a little girl I fell deeply in love with reading, and as I've gotten older that has never changed.
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Some girls don’t like pretty things.
Some girls like things that are destructive, and toxic. 
TITLE: Malum Part #2
SERIES: Elite Kings Club #5
AUTHOR: Amo Jones
GENRE: New Adult
PUBLICATION: June 11th, 2019
Some girls don’t like pretty things.
Some girls like things that are destructive, and toxic. Things that fuel our bodies with adrenaline and bring our demons to their knees. 
They say magic isn’t real, but it’s it the closest way to describe love? It doesn’t exist physically. It merely exists around us, within us, possessing our souls and making us do stupid shit. Shit like falling in love with a boy who knows how to rip my world apart and raise hell with a simple flick of his wrist. Their secrets are now mine. I’m not just in the middle of this game, I’m helping orchestrate it. Can the cries of my aching soul be enough to drown out the burning embers of my mistakes?
The mind strengthens the heart, roughing the edges to prepare it for war. This is a war I will not win.
This is a war of fate.
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Kat's Review
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is the second part in Amo Jones 'Elite Kings Club #5' series. It picks up where the previous book left off. Spoken in 'Dual Perspectives.'

This review will be spoiler free..Go into this blind..If you've not read this series..What are you waiting for!?! Start now..You won't regret it..Fall in love like others before you..Because you will love..

How does one go about writing up a review when you’ve just closed the last page of perfection, what an emotional journey this took me on..

And already I know for a fact that my review won’t do this book the justice it deserves, Amo Jones nailed it, the twists and turns, the whip lash, the shock factors, the nail biting sit on the edge of your seats as the boys played their games, you truly never knew how far they would go. The love we carry in our hearts for these characters, I lived, breathed, felt everything that was thrown at me. This series has just gone from strength to strength. 

Why am I attracted to the depraved? It's like my soul attaches itself to darkness, lurking on the wicked because the disenchantment in mundane-like souls isn't enough to spark fire to mine. All men in my life have one thing in common-evil. - Tillie
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Take a seat as we carry on this journey with Nate and Tillie and their boys. It's not a pretty story by any means but it comes full circle and you get closure, you get answers to your questions, you get to fall in love all over again with Nate. You also get the revenge you seeked. And with that came the healing these characters and us the readers needed. 

From the cover to the blurb, to the formatted ebook, the writing, the pace, the storyline, the characters, this series as a whole has been utterly unique, unputdownable greatness. I devoured this, I swooned, I cried, I loved, I couldn’t get enough. I didn’t want it to end. 

Favourite quote from our boy Nate: This queen doesn't need a throne, she just needs my dick to sit on. 

* Teaser is off the authors facebook page *
About the Author
Amo Jones is a small country girl totally winging this author thing (she's probably doing it all wrong). She likes cake, loves wine, and her religion is magic. She's a profound work-a-holic, but when she's not writing, you can find her chilling with her kids & partner at the nearest beach, with a cocktail in her hand.

New Zealand is not a state of Australia and rugby is the best sport ever played.

Instagram: thatcrazykiwiauthor 

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And keep up to date with all my reviews



  2. Thank you. Nothing beats a binge read!! Hope you love it as much as I did.


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